Thursday, October 23, 2008
organic seascape

Monday, October 13, 2008
6-color Nasturtium

5-color Nasturtiums
Sunday, October 12, 2008
4 of 4 colors

3 of 4 colors
Sunday, September 28, 2008
2 of 4 colors...

I also did a rainbow pull that turned out really cool. I used silver, white, lt blue, and lt lilac and it looked like the moon! Then I printed the bear and waterfall from the Ak quarter, because I was working through my process for a project at work (that probably will go to the wayside... :( unless I can think of a way to use it!) The best things that I have learned in this class is: don't expect perfection, enjoy the happy accidents, and try new things to cut-down on starting over. When the bear's ink started bleeding I would turn the screen and pull from a different direction... I wasn't able to save all the moons, but Dianne says I might be able to print a black "drop-shadow" to cover the bad spots.
Friday, September 12, 2008
mt roberts

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
old sketches

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008
I am feeling like I need to create something since I haven't left the house all day... I think I will try to do a tree for a friend:) It's easier to create for someone else then for myself. I feel that autumn inspiration coming on! I guess that happened when I realized school time is here.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
pro·cliv·i·ty /proʊˈklɪvɪti/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[proh-kliv-i-tee] –noun, plural -ties. natural or habitual inclination or tendency; propensity; predisposition: a proclivity to meticulousness.
[Origin: 1585–95; < L prōclīvitās tendency, lit., a steep descent, steepness, equiv. to prōclīv(is) sloping forward, steep (prō- pro-1 + clīv(us) slope + -is adj. suffix) + -itās -ity]
Saturday, July 26, 2008
busy, busy... and Special K Saves The Day

decided I didn't like the way I drew Kanon. I used his blue blanket with clouds as a backdrop, this little cloth world, and his big Alligator crawl toy (I forget what they are realTo feel productive, I am including a little caricature of my son that I did when he was 18 months...he's seven now, so no it's not recent. I was concepting for a class powerpoint presentation that was basically Kanon saving the world from a gigantic alligator. I took actual pictures when Ily called...) Then I took pictures of him beating the Aligator down... His weapon of choice? The balloon! If I can find the presentation, I will post it. I have had good intentions of making it into a cartoon-strip in Illustrator; started it, but didn't finish... I am including my story-board. Fun Stuff ~ julie

Sunday, June 29, 2008
more work...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
a little bit of my work...
(Back to the Annual that I was talking about...)
The biggest challenges of doing something really well designed for Government agencies is convincing them that well thought out and presented documents will get a better response, and keeping the cost low (this annual was done on a digital press and it came out beautifully; althought the ink will rub off on you if you're not careful).

my crazy resumé!
I am going to try to get some of my professional work together for an online portfolio; just a simple picassa slideshow, but it will be faster then doing it properly; my perfectionism will take over when it comes to doing the actual web pages and the process will get very complicated, I'm sure!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
moving on...
I found another great quote, and words to live by in my inbox the other day:
June 12, 2008
— Victor Frankl
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
horse on the mountain

Monday, June 09, 2008
new mind-set... new pastel
So, I am still a little angry about it... but I am not enraged about it (anymore). I realize now that the "universe" or "higher power" or God, or whatever you believe (I believe it all...) is telling me what I need to do. I have been taking really small baby-steps to get there; now I have to charge ahead and get serious about it. I'm starting my own freelance business... I'm terrified. I really can't imagine relying on freelance to make a living! I will continue my job search, but if I can make money at it I won't have to take just any job out of desperation... I can actually wait until I find a creative job better then the one I had. That is my ultimate goal... my next job will be the next step. I will not go back and I don't really want to step to the side. There is a job that pays the same as my old one, and I would accept it because the experience is the "next level."
The wheels are in motion. I have paid for my url (when I upload my pages I will announce it); I have a friend who will help me to get a small business loan; I am going to get my business license with my next paycheck. Then I have tons of other things I need to do... business cards, promo cards, leave behind mini-portfolios, invoices, etc. It is a little overwhelming, but now that some of it is done I feel much more sure about it. The big thing was my web-site and now I am glad that I did it for my mid-term; I need to change some things and add some pages, but it is ready to make "really" live! Yay:)
I have also started trying to create "fine art" in my new space and it is doable. It's no studio, but if I work in the kitchen I can just mop up the pastel dust. If I had a large easel... I could do it out my front door! I'm just not committed enough to it to get it done.
Here is a small (4"x 4" canvas) pastel taken from my "Soar" ideas... I like it, but is isn't quite there yet. I did put it in a shadow box to see how it looked and it really popped out against the black. I'm kind of excited. I could make a ton of these and just hang them all together on one wall and then I could give them away for presents, one by one! We'll see about that, too.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
inspiring quote... demoralizing situation
— Anonymous
I was laid-off from my job (that I love and I tell everybody that all the time...) yesterday. I am pretty upset, but that is just part of the healing process. The hard part is not to take it personally; it was definitely for budget reasons (they had to cut our budget by 25%). I was the last of the Publication staff hired, although I was hired at a higher class then another person. My immediate supervisor is really upset. The scary thing is that we have four people in our office, and two of us have been laid-off... They have only laid one person off from our Anchorage office and they seem to be keeping all the writers and hatcheting the designers. It seems that "capital creep" strikes again. So, to the the Alaska State Legislature... my son and I thank you for putting me out of a job! So much for all our wealth and oil money if you see a need to cut already marginal folks, like myself.
Friday, May 16, 2008
I love the Dr.
— Dr. Seuss
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I love how I did little circles, gestures really, for the large frogs toes... I can never plan things like that, it's just nice when it works out.

Monday, May 05, 2008
IF Seed

I have actually been inspired by the last two Illustration Friday topics... but since my Computer Graphics class ended on the firsst, this is the first one I've had time to sketch. For wrinkles I wanted to do a picture of an elephant... I love elephants and there wrinkly, tough skin and their slow (seemingly) gentle ways. I'll post it if I ever get back to it.
For seed this image just popped into my head. It reminds me of the majic beans from Jack and the Beanstalk. I could and may still try interpreting it in Illustrator; even if I don't I am happy with the way the sketch turned out:)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
make your own easel!
I have been meaning to search for plans to build my own for a while now. When I went to Atlin Centre for the Arts (way back in 1990; I guess it is called Atlin Centre now) Gernot Dick, the owner/operator/teacher/founder/very-cool-guy, gave us plans for the ones he had in the painters studios. I still have them, but after two decades of moving from place to place there is no way I will find them easily. I actually really liked the benches they had (don't know if they still have them) at UAS-Juneau (or was it UAA?) You could flip them on their backs and use them like a table for your drawing board. Definitely not for canvases, large or otherwise. So, we shall see if I can get this project done this summer... If I miraculously do get to it, I will definitely share the final product here!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
submissions for ATC exhibit wanted
By the way... Happy Earth Day! Although, I really do believe that every day is Earth Day (I'm a dork, I know!)

Monday, April 21, 2008
me 10 years ago...

Friday, April 18, 2008
build your own pinhole camera!

origami bird trials

Thursday, April 17, 2008
bursting with creativity!
Here is the link to the Domino page.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
a little break:)
oops... the title should be "a little break" not "a little bread"! I need to improve my proof-reading skills :)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
ffffound it again...
We traded Art Trading Cards and I will try to get some pictures of those posted... they are really cool and unique. I might rotate like collections through a shadow box... it would be like an ever changing gallery show on my wall!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
good quote
Sunday, March 09, 2008
IF "garden"

I am using my old illustrations like modular building blocks... oh what fun:) I have (obviously) been in love with these flowers (they are all over my web-site)... and these green garden illustrations fit the bill for this weeks Illustration Friday theme to the tee; my container "garden." I killed two birds with one stone and worked on this in class this last Saturday. We are making artist trading cards to trade with one another; very fun, I can't wait... maybe I will scan my favorite to share next week!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
check it out, now!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
my website (?!!)
I'm sooooo excited:) My website will be done in just a couple of months! It has been years in the coming... I am finally taking a class at UAS and learning a lot and getting a lot out of it. Colleen Mckenna is really great and knows her stuff.
Here are two screen shots; I will post the link when I get them all done and choose a web server. I am not a flowery person, so I'm sure this site will change when I get tired of the flowers. The flowers are from a sketch I did in 2006, so maybe I will change it up with another sketch that I will develop and then I can do that every 6 months or a year. Yes, it will be a site with an identity crisis... But the navigation and content will stay consistent (I know not to alienate people... but I've got "itchy designer" syndrome.
I'm also just putting my picassa.com slideshow up until I can find the time to do a really well designed flash gallery. I could do a poorly designed one using PhotoShop, but I would rather take the time and get it right... So, I'm cheating for now.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
IF "multiple"

I did this digital illustration in PhotoShop two weeks ago in my Art & Technology class blog. Now I'm glad I didn't already post it here... I'm trying not to be too redundant (not that it matters, but I want two separate records of my progress).
Anyway, the original title was "cheesey pop-art" because I love Andy Warhol (I did a report on his life in high school) but I have never done the whole pop-art thing. I also haven't gotten to really play in PhotoShop in a very long time... This class has been really good for that. Really pushing what I already know and trying to bridge fine art and digital art. The original sketch is from a previous post as well. I love being able to revisit things and I am really playing with version-ing in a tangible way. I don't really have a set process yet, but this is how it seems to be coming together: original sketch, digital rendering, original pastel... then maybe I will start compositing and collaging the two together.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
becoming an illustrator?
So, I think that doing illustration as a free-lancer sounds like the best way to supplement my income... I do it anyway, on my own, because I love to do it! So...
I don't see myself ever being an illustrator of the caliber of the ones featured in 3x3 Magazine, but looking at what great illustrators are doing helps me to put my own talents into perspective and to know what I love to look at and what I enjoy working on. When I think of "illustration" I think tedious... so I need to change my perceptions about it. I'm still figuring all that out, and trying to figure out how to turn what I consider playing into making a living. I just have too many "good ideas" that I get excited about and then they just fizzle out. The best ideas seem to take money to get started, and if I had the money to get started, I wouldn't need to branch out. Although, I must say, that I am not as money motivated as I am driven to create. I just need to figure out how to do one while doing the other!
belated thank you
So, THANK YOU, Annie!
I have, of course already thanked her personally... but I wanted to take pictures of the actual magazine for my blog. My camera just isn't good enough, so the picture below is from the 3x3 site... it is a really beautiful publication and they have great galleries featuring the illustrators from their issues. Their is some great eye-candy there. I love to see what these working artists are doing.
I was really impressed with the cover illustrator, Yuko Shimizo. She has some really brilliant, modern, youthful (emo comes to mind) illustrations that have a Japanese wood block feel. Love her work! She is not the same Yuko Shimizo who created Hello Kitty, it says so on her site!

Saturday, February 09, 2008
playing in PhotoShop
This is my PhotoShop version of last weeks collage... not happy with the choppiness of the lines, but that is where you would have to choose to do certain elements in another program. But it is great for concepting... I can now take this to another level or in a different direction :) julie

Wearable Art Show Tonight and Tomorrow!
I have to go down and sign them, and this is ridiculous, but I have anxiety about that. I don't sign my work and it is a habit I learned from AP art in high school. You aren't supposed to sign your work so that you don't get preferential treatment from the judges if they know you. So, I am really bad about that. It just isn't important to me. I also have anxiety about how it will look. I think my crappy little signature ruins the picture, a lot of times... am I the only artist who has this weird hang-up? And, I am okay if I am signing with pen or pastel or pencil, but I don't even know if I can do my signature with paint! I am going to practice. It's not like it has to look exactly like my signature... I'm sure it will be fine.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
mural progress
Here is the work in progress. Keep in mind that this is made up of five 10'x10' (yes, feet) canvases. It has changed since this picture, so you'll have to come to the Wearable Art Show to see them in person! julie

Sunday, February 03, 2008
cool design sites!
very productive...
The illustrations themselves have been a little problematic... istock wants all blocks of color and shapes to be closed, but I use a brush tool a lot of the time to get variations in line weight more easily and to give them a more sketchy look. So, I have to go in and close shapes and make sure there aren't any stray lines or points. I has really been a lot of work! So, now when I do a new illustration, I am making sure I do those thing as I work... not too hard to remember unless I am really wrapped up in the moment. julie

recent digital illustration