Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reworking of Centennial Hall p/l

Not quite right... The scale is wrong on the house and I couldn't get the etching dark enough. It's worth another shot, though~

Monday, September 05, 2011

IF - Mysterious

I caught this mysterious raven as it began to fly away; I believe it had something (food/garbage) in it's claws, but that didn't show up in the photo, so I didn't add it to the illustration.

I haven't done an Illustration Friday challenge in a long time... I'm trying to kick start my creativity, because I will be starting Printmaking again on Wednesday!  I can't wait, but my ideas are scattered.  I want to do some portraits, trees, flowers, maybe a raven (maybe this raven...?), and some landscapes, but I'm not sure how to sell (as in justify) all of those things as one package.  Maybe if I start sketching the connection will appear naturally...

Thursday, September 01, 2011

One more Second Saturday Market... Sept 10th @ Airport Mall P/L

I haven't been consistent with my posting...mostly I post on Facebook, but I'm trying to post all my art related here, too! I have spent the Summer checking out the "markets" and trying my hand at selling my prints... it has been a success!  I'm always amazed when someone "finds" my work and falls in love with something.  It is a fun process to watch!  And I'm thankful to everyone who has fallen in love with something and taken it home, it is great validation to know I'm not the only one who like these creations!~

These are images from August Second Saturday Market... one more Second Saturday Market is coming up on Sept 10th @ the parking lot of the Airport Mall! It's organized by Home Spun Mercantile, an awesome arts and crafts consignment shop (behind Donna's, next to Curves); they are there year-round... On Sept 10 come check out all the fun crafts, art, food, produce, etc ~and wish for nice weather!